As the year goes on, there will be subtle or major changes in our lives. As of now, a change has entered My Favorite Person’s life. It’s a good change. Something he’ll benefit from. My Favorite Person recently started a new job that requires him to work about 12-16 hrs a day. With this job, he will be able to network, learn, and see how he can further his career while on the job. It allows him to save for future projects he has in mind and possibly stumble across someone who acknowledges his talent. This isn’t his ideal job, but this is a step closer to the right direction and within his career field. Although he works hard and long hours, I can see he’s happier with his new job. He’s motivated, and if there’s any way I can support him in his career, I’ll do just that. It makes me happy to see him taking on what he truly wants to do, and I’m here to listen to all his stories, ideas, and about his day.

As for me, it’s an adjustment. I’m used to seeing him at the end of my workday. I enjoy him in my space, love to spend quality time with him and look forward to our date nights. For now, these things are limited. But we know it’s temporary. I miss him and can’t wait to see him at the end of the day ❤️. As of now, while he’s at work, I’ll be filling my days with things that bring me joy and will help me heal and grow. I’ll be in my own company and learning more about myself. Some days, I might be with my Tia (Aunt), my mom, or my cousins, and while I work at a school, spring break is around the corner for us! I’ll probably be catching up with some friends over lunch or dinner, might take myself on some solo dates, and we have a small vacation planned which I’m looking forward to! I’ll be taking this time for self-growth and continuing to be in my feminine energy. I’m also taking this time to give my time and attention to one of the things I love… BROOKIE! I also can’t forget about Everything’s Otay!

Another small change that has happened to me is that my mom no longer lives with me. And if you’re wondering why? That’s for another blog in itself. I’ll be sharing that with you all soon.

As 2024 continues its course, remember when changes happen, it might be tough, but allow yourself to experience the change and find the good in it.

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